Magnetic structured water unit and self cleaning nano water filter for 10 000.00 liters per hour
(l/h / flow rate)

Major Water Filter Benefits For Irrigation, Algae Treatment , Crop Growth, Animal Farm Better Growth 

Proven Results for UAE , Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Egypt Clients

Uses For Agriculture

Magnetized Structured Water with Nano Silver provides a wide range of benefits for agriculture/farming.

All Around Benefits

Farmers farming with structured water are saving thousands of dollars because both small and large scale vegetable and fruit growers talk about improvements all around.

More Nutritive Value
Crops will have more nutrient value.
Bigger Crops
Crops will grow bigger.
Fast Growth
Fruit and nut trees mature sooner.

1. Crop. When watering activated water on seed germination is accelerated in comparison with usual 3-5 times, the growth rate increased, increased hardiness and disease resistance, increasing yield. Decreases the use of organic and inorganic fertilizers. 

2. Animal. In the use of activated water in animals increases resistance of the organism, they get sick less, decreases the case. Improves the quality of meat and milk. Decreases the amount of antibiotics and vaccines used.
3. Poultry. In the use of such water in poultry increases egg production, increases body resistance, reduced morbidity, reduced mortality, reduced antibiotic use. 

4. Farming. When drinking this water in animals improves the quality of fur, increases resistance of the organism, they get sick less, decreases the case. 

5. The cultivation of mushrooms. By drinking ionized water accelerates the growth of fungi, mushrooms are not exposed to different kinds of mould such as brown spot, green, cobwebby, orange, white, hairy, etc. the Collection of fungi increases in 1,5 – 2 times
For Animal Agriculture

Magnetized Structured Water with Nano Silver provides a wide range of benefits for Animal Husbandry.

Better Yield

Farmers farming with structured water are saving thousands of dollars because the health of the animal is better and so they don't require the usual expensive doses of antibiotics.

Healthier Animals

In one instance there was a dairy farm that had cows with e-coli. After the farm installed a Structured Water Unit and started hydrating their cows with the structured water the e-coli stopped showing up in the tests!

1:- Magnetic Structured Water Unit And Self Cleaning Nano Water Filter For 10 000.00 Liters Per Hour

7:- Magnetic Structured Water Unit And Self Cleaning Nano Water Filter For 10 000.00 Liters Per Hour 

Questions ???

Are you facing issue with your water filters?

Do you want to improve the quality of water use in your business?
Are you looking for a filtration system that is designed specifically for your requirement? 

Do you want to work with a company that offers a wide range of different water filtration system options?

Then You Need To Contact Us Today
Phone: +7-977-807-0973
