Sea Water Desalination Plant

Sea Water Desalination Plant Cost - Manufacturer And Supplier 

Salt Water Filter For Boats - Yachts - Passenger Ship - Cargo Ship - Cruise Ships - Marine & Shipping Industry - Sea Water Desalinization 

The technology we offer (protected by Russian patent Ru 2112578) does not require large energy costs for water evaporation, as in existing world technologies, provides a high level of environmental friendliness (due to the use of new “cold” technologies in desalination).

Small size (2m x 0.5m) and high productivity (100 - 400m3 / h) can significantly expand the consumer water market and meet the considerable demand for both the plants themselves and the product they receive.

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Incomparable conclusions are made by a possible program for setting up serial production in Russia of an installation, since the implementation of the development in the world will contribute to the growth of commodity-money circulation, attraction of investments to the regions, will form stable wages for workers and employees, solid profit for the enterprise and significant revenues to the Russian budget , and also solve many environmental problems.

Frequency Technologies are fundamentally new methods of desalination and purification of water flows, which have significant economic, environmental and other advantages over existing traditional methods. This is a purely physical method that uses the principle of excitation of liquid molecules in a frequency field.

As a result of exposure to water flows at the outlet of the plant, pure water of a given level of desalination, salt and solid insoluble slags are obtained.

You can absolutely be sure that there are no treatment areas where the frequency methods are inferior to the traditional ones, on the contrary, in addition to desalination of salt water from the world's marine and ocean resources, you can find additional directions for their use (for example, obtaining drinking water from highly saline sources, purifying filtrates solid industrial and household waste, liquid toxic waste disposal, etc...

Please visit our product page for more detailed information and feel free to contact us anytime!
